Scan Solutions - Parts Wizard
Parts Wizard is designed to give you multiple options to better fit your needs.
Take full control of billing, receipting, and inventory management.

Select the tier below to find which solution works best for you!

We provide you with a simple to use system that puts YOU in control of your inventory! Work with confidence knowing that Parts Wizard is there for you every step of the way!

✓ Stay up to date by using the latest phone-like Android scanners that are compact and easy to use.

✓ Wifi connected devices allows you to make changes in real-time from anywhere in the network.

✓ Out of range? No worries! Our scanners retain all of your scans until the connection is re-established.

✓ Mobile printer gives you the flexibility to print on the fly and not be tied down to the desk.

Parts Wizard can make your operations more profitable. Save time, Save money, Reduce errors, and Generate more profit and customer satisfaction.

Parts Wizard Extras

Pick-It Wizard
Pick-It Wizard


Fulfill orders in 50% less time while increasing accuracy! It's an ROI dream come true!

Point-of-Sale Wizard
POS Wizard


Affordable Point-Of-Sale system for your DMS  to create the ease & efficiency you have always wanted!